Dr. Jennifer Franklin

Quick Links: Services Offered | Background & Training
My name is Dr. Jennifer Franklin, and as a psychotherapist I have been specializing in the treatment of disorders of gut-brain interaction (DGBI) and other psychophysiologic disorders (PPD) since 2001. I am genuinely passionate about helping people not just to manage symptoms more effectively but also especially to heal and recover from gut and mind-body problems. My aim is always to understand each unique whole human being and individualize my approach to maximize the effectiveness and efficiency of the therapeutic experience.
I offer consultation, psychotherapy, mindfulness training, and all kinds of digestible educational material for individuals, couples, and families.
Dr. Jennifer Franklin is a mind-body and gastro-psychologist dually licensed in North Carolina and California offering the following services for people with DGBI and PPD:
Mindfulness Training
- Adult Individuals diagnosed with DGBI or PPD symptoms.
- Couples when one or both individuals have been diagnosed with DGBI or PPD symptoms.
- Adult Individuals and Couples seeking help for other reasons, not DGBI or PPD symptoms. To learn about Dr. Franklin’s general practice and other areas of clinical interest, please visit opendoortherapy.com.
- Families when a child has been diagnosed with a DGBI or PPD
Note: It is not part of my practice to provide individual therapy to children, but I encourage parents to set up consultations with me. I will provide you with helpful information, individualized feedback, and appropriate referrals to better support and facilitate healing for your child.
Please scroll down for more information about the above mentioned services.
For psychotherapists and other health-care professionals, Dr. Franklin offers general consultation, case consultation, and supervision. Please contact Dr. Franklin to inquire.
After making a full recovery from irritable bowel syndrome myself, I began to work with others and quickly started receiving referrals from physicians for all kinds of DGBI and PPD symptoms. By the time I was licensed and in private practice, I had developed a specialty area in helping people with mind-body symptoms, especially gut problems. Thus, I am one of the original gastro-psychologists in the US. With decades of clinical experience, I bring a unique blend of skills, knowledge, expertise, training, and insight to people seeking to heal their guts and bodies. I have had the opportunity to work in collaboration with some of the most renowned physicians in the world when it comes to DGBI and PPD symptoms.
To learn about my other clinical areas of specialty, please visit opendoortherapy.com. Over the years, in addition to working as a clinical psychologist, I have taught mindfulness meditation, co-led groups, given presentations on healing from disorders of gut-brain interaction, written several short articles on a wide range of topics, and served in an editorial role for professional psychological journals such as the Journal of Humanistic Psychology.
I was personally diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) as a teenager and suffered greatly for several years. My healing process began when I was referred by my gastroenterologist to a psychologist for weekly therapy. Though I resisted, I became so desperate for relief that I finally yielded to the idea that perhaps it would help. And it did. After just one year of weekly therapy with a psychologist, my symptoms ameliorated significantly.
Later, while training to become a psychologist, my exposure to a variety of approaches, modalities, and experiences led me to the realization that though I was better, I still hadn’t fully healed. I was still tolerating IBS symptoms and living in constant fear. By addressing these residual symptoms, I transitioned into a life free of symptoms, free of fear, and free of avoidance behaviors. My life did not just go back to the way things were before I developed IBS; it became even better than it had ever been!
Psychotherapy is for working with Dr. Franklin in an in-depth, ongoing way usually on a weekly or biweekly basis. Psychotherapy may be short-term or longer-term depending on your needs, objectives, and interests. Please contact Dr. Franklin to find out if she has openings in her schedule for new ongoing psychotherapy patients. If not, Dr. Franklin keeps openings in her schedule for consultation appointments; you are welcome to schedule a consultation appointment and have your name added to Dr. Franklin’s wait list for ongoing psychotherapy.
If you are currently working with a psychotherapist or have been referred by your psychotherapist, please set up a consultation appointment with Dr. Franklin. As Dr. Franklin has availability and with your psychotherapist’s knowledge and consent, Dr. Franklin will provide adjunctive psychotherapy.
The first psychotherapy appointment is a 60-minute appointment. Subsequent appointments are either 45 or 60 minutes.
Consultations are 60-minute appointments intended to provide you with individualized information, treatment plan, recommendations, referrals, and other resources to support and guide you in healing your gut and body. Consultation appointments are a good way to get started with Dr. Franklin if you have a psychotherapist or have been referred by a psychotherapist. Sometimes it is appropriate to meet for a few consultation appointments; consultation appointments can be spread out over time and may need to be given Dr. Franklin’s availability.
Mindfulness Training
Dr. Franklin has been teaching mindfulness meditation, mindfulness practices, and mindfulness skills for decades. Whether you are a first-time meditator or a practiced meditator, Dr. Franklin enjoys helping people to apply mindfulness to their everyday lives so they get the most out of their mindfulness practice. Dr. Franklin is qualified to help you to learn how to meditate, cultivate a consistent mindfulness meditation practice, address difficulty surfacing during meditation, and take your mindfulness meditation practice “off the cushion”. For more information on mindfulness, visit Dr. Franklin’s general practice website opendoortherapy.com
If any of the above services interests you, and you are thinking about setting up a first appointment or have questions, please contact Dr. Franklin.
Dr. Franklin is an experiential, somatically-oriented, mindfulness-based psychologist extensively trained in each of the following modalities. Click the any of the modalities to read more about them.
Meditation (Vipassana, Mindfulness and Zen)
Meditation is the practice of sustained concentration on a particular object with some intention, often to cultivate a state of consciousness or awareness. One of the most common forms of mindfulness meditation, for example, involves concentrating on the breath in order to cultivate a state of mindful awareness.
Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT)
MBCT is derived from the practice of being mindful. As a function of increasing one’s awareness in the present moment, the chain reaction of reactive thoughts, feelings, urges, impulses, needs, wants, and desires leading to unwanted or harmful behavior becomes apparent and is investigated.
Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP)
AEDP is a psychotherapeutic method intended to undo the unbearable aloneness we sometimes experience, especially as we grapple with pain, emotional or physical. The focus of therapy is fostering a safe, loving relationship that leads patients to connect with themselves, to experience secure attachment with their therapists, and to feel safe enough to explore intrapersonal and interpersonal dynamics in the present moment so that healing can occur.
Yoga (Hatha, Bikram, Vinyasa, Power, Vini, Kundalini, Iyengar, and Ashtanga)
Yoga is a movement practice originally intended to prepare the body for sitting meditation. Yoga as most of us know it involves sustained concentration on the breath while moving from posture (asana) to posture. Yoga has many different forms ranging from more passive practices to more active practices.
Psychodrama is the creative use of role-playing of oneself, inner parts of oneself, or other people in order to investigate and cultivate insight into one’s psychological experience in relationship to oneself or in one’s relationships with others. Psychodrama stimulates transformational experiences for healing disconnection and conflict.
The Hakomi Method
The Hakomi Method is a mindfulness, somatic, and experience- based psychotherapeutic approach to change. The Method combines venerable operating principles with mindfulness and precise methodology to create an extraordinarily effective path towards transformation. The basis of the work is to create a bonded relationship that allows enough safety for the client to turn inwards and explore present experiences, to follow those experiences towards the core material that generates them, and to pursue ways to heal and evolve the core material.
Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)
DBT is an evidence-based cognitive-behavioral treatment that was originally developed to treat chronically suicidal individuals diagnosed with borderline personality disorder (BPD) and it is now recognized as the gold-standard psychological treatment for this population. However it is also widely used as a treatment protocol for people who experience severe emotion dysregulation.
Bodywork and Somatic Education (BASE)
BASE is an approach created by Dave Berger, Physical Therapist, Psychotherapist, and SE Faculty Member, that uses hands-on supportive touch targeting specific body structures effected by chronic distress as part of PTSD to help trauma survivors to find greater ease and flow.
Transforming the Experience-Based Brain (TEB)
TEB is an integrative neurodevelopmental approach to the treatment of developmental trauma with a transforming touch® approach. TEB is based on the belief that if the body is in optimal regulation, then the body will heal itself.
Dr. Franklin weaves in the above modalities as it suits your therapeutic objectives and interests. If you are interested in working exclusively using one or a few of the specific modalities listed above, please let Dr. Franklin know.
Dr. Franklin has also had limited training in many other modalities including but not limited to Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (ISTDP), Internal Family Systems (IFS), Gestalt, Authentic movement, dream work, creative expression, group process, and Imago. If it is important to you to work with a therapist with an understanding of a particular framework or modality not mentioned above, please let Dr. Franklin know.
Undergraduate Studies
Dr. Franklin has a Bachelor of Science in Accounting from the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, California, and a minor in Italian.
Graduate Studies
Dr. Franklin has a PhD in Psychology and a Master’s in Counseling Psychology, both from the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology in Palo Alto, California, where she received a mindfulness-based, holistic, and experiential education in psychology and was exposed to a wide range of psychotherapeutic, mind-body, and healing modalities.
Dr. Franklin was involved in years of research on creativity, the psychology of acting, multiple intelligences, creativity, fame, consciousness, and the range of spiritual experiences common among actors and other creative artists. Her doctoral dissertation, entitled Breaking a Leg Without Breaking the Spirit, was a quantitative and qualitative study examining the psychology, spirituality, and self-actualizing tendencies of 116 professional working actors. Over the course of working on her dissertation in her hometown of Los Angeles, Dr. Franklin was given the rare opportunity to go behind the scenes in the life of the average working Screen Actors Guild (SAG) actor. Dr. Franklin continues to enjoy working with creative individuals, artists, and performers of all types.

Dr. Jennifer Franklin is a unique mind-body & gastro-psychologist (NC #4137; CA #PSY20709) inspired by her own personal experience of healing and recovering fully from Irritable Bowel Syndrome. She has been specializing in the treatment of disorders of gut-brain interaction and other psychophysiologic disorders since 2001 and offers a wealth of knowledge, expertise, training, experience, and insight. While managing symptoms is important, Dr. Franklin’s ultimate objective is to help people to heal and recover.
Healing Audio Series
Educational Webinar
Free E-Book
About Dr. Franklin