Contact Dr. Franklin
To contact Dr. Franklin, please e-mail or use the e-mail form just below.

Jennifer C. Franklin, Ph.D., MACP
Mind-Body & Gastro-Psychologist
Mindfulness Consultant
Somatic Experiencing® Practitioner
Don’t Hate Your Guts offers information about Dr. Franklin’s specialty area. Dr. Franklin is licensed as a psychologist in North Carolina (NC: 4137) and in California (CA: PSY 20709). Her psychotherapy practice Open Door Therapy, PLLC, is located in Durham, North Carolina.
Dr. Franklin is out-of-network with all insurance companies and does not participate as a Medicare provider. Superbills will be provided upon request but do not guarantee reimbursement by insurance companies. To learn more about how your personal health information is protected, please read about Open Door Therapy’s policies and practices.

Dr. Jennifer Franklin is a unique mind-body & gastro-psychologist (NC #4137; CA #PSY20709) inspired by her own personal experience of healing and recovering fully from Irritable Bowel Syndrome. She has been specializing in the treatment of disorders of gut-brain interaction and other psychophysiologic disorders since 2001 and offers a wealth of knowledge, expertise, training, experience, and insight. While managing symptoms is important, Dr. Franklin’s ultimate objective is to help people to heal and recover.
Healing Audio Series
Educational Webinar
Free E-Book
About Dr. Franklin