Healing is a journey…
You know the destination. I’ve got the roadmap.
The Don’t Hate Your Guts
Healing Audio Series
is Available Now!
Dr. Franklin created this series to help you to learn the process of mind-body transformation and give your gut and body the experience of healing.
Welcome to Don’t Hate Your Guts
Here you will find clinically sound information to help you to:
1) learn how to befriend your nervous system, gut, and whole self, all of the parts that make you you, including the not-so-pretty parts,
2) cultivate a deeper understanding about the complex nature of your mind, heart, gut, and body, and
3) feel inspired and hopeful about healing.
It’s easy to be frustrated by, dislike, or even hate your body when it’s the source of pain, discomfort, or other debilitating symptoms. However, just because something comes easily doesn’t mean it’s good for us. Being frustrated by, disliking, or hating a part of your body is essentially being at war with your own body. As long as you are at war with your body, you cannot be at peace.
Peace cannot be kept by force;
it can only be achieved by understanding.
-Albert Einstein
Listen to (and watch if you’d like)
Dr. Franklin speak about healing the gut.
Dr. Franklin has been interviewed about healing the gut and featured on various podcasts over the years. These are free learning experiences available to you now.
Watch the Webinar Series to Learn More About the Brain-Gut Connection
Dr. Franklin’s brand new, first-ever webinar series is available now for people with IBS and other gut problems or disorders of gut-brain interaction. This five-part educational program offers you essential, foundational information to help your gut (body) to heal.
Click here to learn more or to register and start watching.
Quick Read About Mind-Body Health
Dr. Franklin’s short article entitled “Simone Biles and Why We Must Bridge Medicine’s Mind-Body Divide” is a great read for anybody interested in learning about mind-body health or suffering from mind-body symptoms.
Functional Medical Problems
If you have a physical problem like chronic pain, back pain, migraines, chronic fatigue, arrhythmia, chronic (psychogenic) cough, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS),or any other kind of physical problem that persists despite medical intervention, you have landed in the right place.
Gut-Brain Disorders
If you have a gut problem Irritable Bowel Syndrome, acid reflux/GERD, dyspepsia or chronic abdominal pain, bloating, chronic constipation or diarrhea, cyclic vomiting, rumination, regurgitation, swallowing issues, gluten sensitivity, food allergies, you have landed in the right place.
Subscribe to Don’t Hate Your Guts® with Dr. Jennifer Franklin on YouTube
Head over to the Don’t Hate Your Guts® YouTube channel where you’ll find videos sharing helpful information for anyone suffering from a Disorder of Gut-Brain Interaction like IBS.
I had been struggling with gut issues, and I found that Dr. Franklin’s work is right at the intersection on the nervous system and gut health. Her combination of somatic and therapeutic skills makes her an amazing resource for gut health and overall well-being. —Former Patient
I contacted Dr. Franklin because I had been suffering from excruciating back pain for over a year and a half. After consulting numerous medical doctors and undergoing various conventional treatments, none of which had any beneficial effect, I read some books on mind-body disorders and started to explore the possibility that the pain could be psychosomatic. Dr. Franklin, who is highly specialized in this area, helped me to further understand the link between my emotions, the unpleasant ones, and physical symptoms. She helped me to explore each area of my life and to think very honestly about how I really felt about everything, and this made me realize that I was generally very anxious, that I thought about things far too much, sometimes without even realizing how much anxiety I was feeling. I thought it would be challenging to talk about my feelings and personal life, but Dr. Franklin was so incredibly understanding and approachable that I felt at ease straight away. A simple but highly effective tool that she taught me was mindfulness meditation, and this is what enabled me to slow down the fast flow of thoughts constantly passing through my mind. I began to see things more clearly and to analyze my thoughts with objectivity, as if they belonged to another person, which helped me to minimize and simplify certain problems. In a short time, my mind was calmer and my physical symptoms were 98% gone and still improving, which for me is miraculous after the pain I was in for so long. With Dr. Franklin’s help I have learned that although we cannot always change the people and things in our lives, we can change our approach to them and our state of mind. This has been the most valuable lesson of my life. —Former Patient
Working with Dr. Franklin was one of the most profound experiences of my life. I initially sought therapy for generalized anxiety, and among my symptoms were constant fear and worry, muscle tension and pain, insomnia, racing thoughts and heartbeat, relationship turmoil, and emotional challenges. I also had a history of eating disorder and body image issues. Throughout the course of therapy, all of my symptoms drastically improved, with some having completely abated. I feel more at ease in my body than I can ever recall feeling, I no longer live in fear, and I am much more emotionally resilient, feeling capable of handling the ups and downs of life. Additionally, I am able to find joy in everyday experiences, which is new to me. Dr. Franklin’s intelligence, care, and dedication to her patients are unmatched in my experiences with therapy. I am forever grateful for having had the opportunity to work with Dr. Franklin and would highly recommend working with her if you experience any mind or body unease. —Former Patient